Another problem when signing into the database of JAMB CAPS is getting an “invalid login credentials!” error message. Can’t access JAMB CAPS 2025? Don’t panic. Smile, and keep reading.
One of the main things people tend to do on the JAMB CAPS is to check their admission status. If you want to know whether your admission is genuine, kindly visit the jamb caps portal.
Today, we will discuss how you can rectify the issue, but there’s another alternative we’ll provide if the issue persists.
Your main dashboard is the best way to always check your admission status. You can do whatever you want to do concerning Jamb on your dashboard. Correction of name, date of birth, regularization, etc., can be performed there too. Let’s look at how you can check it on your jamb profile.
How to access my JAMB CAPS Portal
- First, the jamb e-facility portal via
- Enter your email (used during registration) and password where required.
- If you are using a desktop/laptop, on the left side of the screen, you will see “check admission status.” Select it. For those using a mobile device, check the top navigation bar; you will see a drop-down menu there; click it.
- Afterward, you must select the exam year and input your registration number.
- You can do two things there. You can either view your caps portal or check your admission status. If this method is used, you no longer need to sign into the CAPS portal.
The only thing that causes this mistake is using the wrong password or username. And make sure the two are OK. Another way of addressing the shown error message is to.

- Visit the link provided above.
- You will see a text with “click here to reset your password.” Proceed by clicking the link.
- You will be redirected to a page where your email and password will be prompted to enter. Check your mail to see the reset connection and fill it out accordingly.
- Change the password to the new one you can’t forget.
This may also be because of the browser you’re using. Chrome is highly recommended for PC and mobile users.
Why can’t I access my JAMB CAPS?
1. Incorrect Login Details
One of the most common reasons candidates struggle to access their JAMB CAPS portal is due to inputting incorrect login credentials. Ensure you’re using the correct JAMB registration number and the password you set up during registration. If you’ve forgotten your password, use the ‘Forgot Password’ feature to reset it.
2. Profile Not Yet Activated
Sometimes, the issue might be that your JAMB profile is not yet activated for the CAPS portal. This usually happens if you’ve recently registered and the data has not been fully integrated into the CAPS system. Give it a little time, but if the delay persists, you might want to reach out to a JAMB office for assistance.
3. Network Issues
Poor internet connectivity can also hinder your access to the JAMB CAPS portal. Check your network connection to ensure it’s stable and strong. Sometimes, simply switching to a different network or moving to a location with better service can resolve this issue.
4. System Maintenance or Updates
JAMB occasionally performs system maintenance or updates on the CAPS portal, which could temporarily restrict access. If this is the case, JAMB typically notifies candidates ahead of time via their official website or social media channels. In such instances, patience is key; access should be restored once maintenance is complete.
5. Using a Mobile Device
While the JAMB CAPS portal is accessible via mobile devices, some features are best utilized on a desktop view. If you’re accessing the portal on a mobile phone and experiencing issues, switch to a desktop computer or use your mobile browser’s ‘Desktop Site’ feature.
6. Incorrect Registration Year Selected
Another potential reason for difficulty in accessing your JAMB CAPS portal could be selecting the wrong registration year during the login process. This often happens because candidates might overlook the year dropdown or assume it automatically sets to their year of examination. Here’s how to navigate this issue:
- Select the Correct Year: When logging into the JAMB CAPS portal, ensure that you select the correct year of your JAMB examination from the dropdown menu. This year should correspond with the year you registered for JAMB.
- Double-Check Before Proceeding: After selecting the year, double-check to ensure it’s the correct one before proceeding with your login details.
Any questions or problems regarding this? Drop a comment below. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and other candidates like you.
But my own case is different, I input the right password and registration number but it saying am not eligible
Visit nearby CBT center of jamb office for rectification
I got admission but I can’t access my caps
same here
My daughter got admitted to cu in the second batch list but up until now jamb has not uploaded her name on its portal despite that she has already resumed school
Same here
Same here
same here man i’ve got admission but cant access my caps its really fustrating if any of you find a solution pls share
have you sorted the issue yet
Please, i didn’t complete my e-profile registration. What can I do to rectify it? When i tried to complete it, they said the page had been removed or doesn’t exist anymore.
I have the same problem too.
Have you been able to fix yours
Same here I have tried severally but its not working. Its really frustrating 😔
but mine is showing me am not eligible for the service
Because you didn’t select your exam year( Jamb)
my own is showing error in Connection please what can I do?
Check your network connectivity
Mine too… What did you do to resolve the problem, someone needs a help.
Check your network connection
please i can see my jamb result and my admission status but wen i click on the caps, it refuses to open
You need to enter your jamb registration number to access it, things have changed..
I tried typing in my registration number but its not typing. Its showing an error sign
Same here
Please how did you fix yours
Have you been able to rectify it
My CAP keeps on telling me error I don’t understand why
Evert time I try to login, it tells me invalid password or email and I have clicked on forget password but it keeps showing that record of my email does not exist. What do I do please?
Same problem here
Pls victoria my sis own is thesame as urs pls have u fix ur own so that I try fixing mine
Same here pls have u fixed urs tell me how to go abut it pls
I have been given admission but I tried clicking access my caps and it’s says am not eligible for the service….. Pls help a sister out
Pls I have the same problem too with jamb caps… If u have fixed yours pls tell me so that I can fix mine too🥺
in my admission status, ”access my CAP” is not working no matter how i click. please why
Enter your jamb registration number first
where do i type in my reg number pls
if u re using a laptop try using ctrl key and left click on trackpad
What if I’m using a mobile phone
bro thanks a lot it worked
This worked! thank you.
Pls when I click on log in to jamb portal it is telling me webpage not available
What could be the problem??
Please why is my jamb profile showing invalid email and password whereas they are correct
I put in my jamb registration number and exam year but no matter how I click my jamb caps is not working
Try it again later
Use phoenix browser
When is the jamb portal going to working?
If I try checking my olevel results on my Caps it doesn’t bring the option for olevel results, all I see is welcome
I tried accessing my CAPs through that check admission status, but its not displayed anything.
Help pls
I typed my registration number still I can’t access my jamb caps
Are you sure the year there is the year you sat for JAMB?
Good day …same problem here..I can log in,I have been clicking the button’ access my caps’ but it’s not working…and it’s the year I sat for the exam…and I put in my registration number.🙏
i cant log in to my caps no matter how many i click on it……it refuses to show anything
Same here, my reg no. Is already in but no Matter how many times I click it’s not responding
I have the same problem in logging in, I’m seeing error in Connection but it works with another phone why?
I think that the JAMB CAPS mobile app only works on lower versions of android (android 6 and lower) that is why it is showing error in connection.
I have the same issue, I have been clicking on Access CAPS it’s not opening
Me too buh j can access it on my mobile buh on computer o can’t because I just want to access it n accept my transfer approval
Pls I really need help. I tried the reset password option, yet I am not receiving any emails concerning it. After trying countless times, I can’t even type my email address on the provided space anymore, pls help me!!!
Exactly the same problem am having
I’m having the same problem
Plz they are telling me either my username or password is not correct
I’ve reset the password twice is still saying the same thing
Please I can’t access my caps after logging in to my account on jamb portal
Please help me😩 the “access my caps” button is not clicking. I’ve changed browser, typed in my Reg number and other things you’ve asked others to do yet it’s not clicking. Please help us🙏
Only at cbt centres ur caps can be retrieved cafes and phones are anbed from using it
Please mine is showing not eligible even after entering my email and password
But I tried for 2019 and it opened
What could be the problem
Even this 2020 I still opened it around December
I don’t understand
Good morning sir/ madam the phone number I used in my jamb has been blocked is there any alternative that I can use to check my admission status?
i logged in with my correct email and password but it keeps showing incorrect email or password
Please if I can’t access my caps can that stop my admission??
Because my school have started giving out admission and I haven’t seen my name yet. And jamb center’s are not responding to me yet.
I haven been trying to ‘access my caps’ and no matter how I try it’s not opening. Please can you tell me what to do and why?
I have been trying to access my caps, but it brings.. don’t have access to this page
Pls wat can I do
Good morning sir, I can’t access my jamb CAPS after many trials, nothing pops up after tapping the button
Please 🙏 I need your help.
The space for email address is not opening, what do I do.
But that of password is opening each time I click on it.
I’m having the same issue
Mine is showing error in connection
Please sir I lost the email and the password
Can I access jamb Caps through anything else?
Please sir I can’t access the email I used
Can anything be done? And can I access jamb Caps through anything else?
No matter how hard I click on the open caps tab,,it won’t work..the page just remains static..what could be the problem please..because all my details there are correct..
To everyone that can’t access their JAMB CAPS; make sure you have changed the date on the portal to the date you sat for the JAMB and also make sure you entered your JAMB registration number in the space provided. If there’s any more questions, feel free to ask.
No keyboard to enter registration number
Am still unable to access my jamb caps and I want to view my O’ level results on it too
How can I do this please
Same problem sir, I can’t access my caps
I can’t log in to my email address
Reset your password
I can only check my admission status which is always saying ..sorry you have not been given admission yet.. but once I click on jamb cap,it only says welcome.
Welcome doesn’t mean you have been offered admission yet, always use desktop mode when logging in to JAMB CAPS.
Try using desktop site
The access my cap bottom is not working… please can I print admission letter without accepting admission on access my cap
No you can’t
Pls same problem
I can’t access my cab
My admission. Status shows have been offered admission but no way to accept it ,cause I can’t access my cab, my G-mail,password,registration number,year of admission
Everything is correct but no way to accessmy cab
Pls what can I do
Sir wen I try to confirm my email address, after filling it it will tell show me error and if I try login, my email address and password is incorrect
Where exactly am I going to type my jamb reg number .. which space am I going to type it in
Mine too is writing incorrect password nd incorrect email
What should I do
Request for a new password which will be sent to your email address
Same here
Please help, i am unable to check My Jamb résult,it keep telling me i didn’t sit for the exam for that year
Change the year to the correct one
I can’t login to my jamb caps,, anytime I logged in they said the either the password or username is not correct,, so they directed me to where I can use my jamb Registration number, I entered the kepp telling me I did not sat for exams 2021/2022 Meanwhile I’m 2020/2021 candidate.plss what can I do?
Reset your password, it will be sent to your email. Login and do what you want to do.
Whenever I try to log in to my JAMB CAPS MOBILE APP it shows erorr in connection.
Please help me out.
Use the website not app
Can’t even access to my own
I did put password and email correct put to click on login it will not load please wat is the problem
Change to desktop site in your browser
How am I going to put my registration number there
I’m a direct entry candidate
You will see the box on the page
The space to type my email doesn’t click except password.pls what should I do?
Use desktop site
I tried log in several times on jamb caps to check my admission status but the only option there is to input my password, I wasn’t able to input my email…. I tried tap the box “enter your email” have tried several times but it’s not opening… Pls help , what might be wrong??
Use pc to log in or change to desktop site in your browser
My name is Mubarak
Am also having d same problem as yours listed above
The only solution is that u go to a jamb accredited centre
There, they can check ur jamb caps with 3 things
Ur registration number alone
The number u use in registering
And ur email
As for me, I inputed d wrong email
So all I have to do was to get a worker there to help me check it from time to time
And they can also accept it for u
Thank u
That’s really good advice. I’ll try it out thanks
I clicked on the reset password and since 1 week now it has not been sent to my email
You didn’t find it in your spam box?
My jambs caps is not opening for me to accept my admission don’t no why have tried all my best
Use JAMB efacility to access it
I tried to reset password but password reset link is not showing in my email
It’s there, check the spam box
Hello am also having the same issue and I don’t really know what’s happening.
When I checked the admission status I was shown that I have been given admission, but when I checked my caps I was told that I was not eligible for the service,even after trying everything pressing forget password and the likes changing the year I sat for the exams and entering the correct registration number
Pls I am having issues with my email.
At first it rejected the password then when I was trying to fix that , I received a message that the account was blocked .
Since then av not been able to log in but I re-created the account but with a different number.can I still access my admission info ???
Pls if u have any solution to dat I’ll be glad
Me too and I entered my reg. Number and my admission status says I’ve been given admission but my caps isn’t opening
How do i check my jamb cap using my reg number i am having problem with my gmail account
What problem?
Hello I tried to login with my jamb portal with my email address but I was told invalid email or password then I tried to reset the password I was told email this not exist wat do I do can I access my jamb portal with my registration number pls help
Please I’m trying to create my jamb portal but the reply I received is please sorry the page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name change, or had processing error, or is temporarily unavailable.
many students have been encountering this difficulty accessing their jamb caps to accept their admission, if you can’t access your caps after you might have log in to the jamb portal successfully, hold the (ctr+left) key then, right-click, it will automatically take you to another tab from whence your caps will open. thanks.
Thank you so much, this helped a lot.
Candidates pls help me am I trying to login to my jamb caps ,then asked for my email and password which I put but they’re telling me invalid what should I do plz .
I can’t access my caps it always says you are not eligible to use this service
What’s the solution pls
Hi please I’m really confused I wrote jamb last year and also did my school post Utme but they didn’t give admission yet and then I decided to write another because it was taking too long I used same email and phone number I used for the previous exam…one of the students I wrote with said to check my caps that she got in already I’ve been trying to log in but I can’t…also the new jamb I just wrote I also tried logging in to my profile but it’s not working please help because if I try changing the password won’t it affect it.
Pls help me i can’t login to my jamb cap
Is telling you are not eligible to use this service
Pls sir any time I access my cap then we be telling me you have not been given admitted yet I applied for direct entry NSUK
I login my jamb caps buh it was not showing my course and institutions,o’level result and my whole details needed in the portal
I’m thinking maybe it’s because I created my profile code using the internet then they ask to do d profile by SMS.what am I to do?
When I tried checking my caps, I entered the exam year but I can’t input my registration number.
Pls i did’nt use email address to register for jamb this year , so pls how can i see my jamb profile?
Pls i am trying to login into my portal but anytime i try it bring another person portal, pls help me
Sir please, I used my last year profile for this year, I have my login details intact. I can access my profile anytime. But the only problem I have is that any time I try to access my caps, last years registration number will keep appearing, I tried to edit it but it can’t be edited, I succeeded in changing the year to 2021 but the registration number box refused to click. Please help
I’m facing the same issue o😥😥
Am having same issue bro
Exactly what am facing here too, the registration number refused to be changed and , am confused deeply
I’m NT eligible to access my jamb caps,wat should I do
I can’t access to my jamb cap ,it says I m not eligible to open this site ,what’s should I do
Please what is meant by username for jamb caps? Is it the email address? I’m having problems logging in to my portal, and I just did change of institution a few days ago. It’s not reflecting yet and when I tap refresh, it asks me for username and password, not email and password. So please what do I do?
Sir,i can’t access my jamb caps.It keeps showing me “you are not eligible to use this service” and I have cross check my registration number to make sure that it’s correct
Sir pls I cannot login into my profile because my login details weren’t sent to me inspite of Jamb telling me that they have sent it.
Pls what can I do about that?
Sir when I tried logging into my jamb caps, it keeps showing me username and password, and I don’t know my username, pls help me out here
I tried to log in but it keeps saying “The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or had processing error or is temporarily unavailable.” And does a CBT center need to access jamb caps for data correction?
I changed my local government in jamb but it is not showing immediately…How many days or hrs does it take to reflect
I login to access my caps, but I keep seeing my last year registration number ,and I tried to change it but it’s not clicking.Pls, l need your help.
Till now i have been trying to log-in my jamb caps but they keep showing me incorrect username or password what can i do
Mine when I login it shows Welcome back Stephen…..only without my profile code in it as it shows in other’s,
Then when I select the year of the exams and Reg no.and try to asses my caps it shows You’re not eligible to use this service
Caps direct.
Please what’s causing this??
I used another number to create my jamb profile account,please how can I change it to the one I used to get my profile code??
The problem I’m having on my caps is that, they told me to link email, I just press a email and send, but they have verified it, so I haven’t open the email I sent before I do such, so I wanted to create the email,the problem there is that Another person have used the email I sent them, Please what can I do,
Please sir, I want to know if uploading of o, level results is still going on. Thank you sir.
I tried to retrieve password but it says the page has been removed or temporary unavailable
How do I change my browser to desktop mode
I used the same number I used last year to register jamb this year cause it was used for my NIN so I sent my email to 55019 and I didn’t see any password
Now I want to log in but I don’t no how too
Please help me
Hii… please I don’t what password they are asking for when signing up . I can’t remember putting password on my Jamb profile and they keep asking for password . If i want to change the password they will tell me my email is invalid . And that is not true .
I registered my DE with Naij email and now the Naij email has shot down operation I don’t know how can I change the email to a new email account thank u
I can’t acesss my caps how can I do that
Pls hw can i access my caps items saying u’re not eligible someone should pls help me😭😭😭😭😭
What should i input in the password, please i need help am lost here
I used a mobile number different from d one I used to register 4 jamb in linking my email to jamb caps so how can I change it
My chosen university has offered me admission but my jamb caps keeps telling me ‘sorry I’m yet to be admitted ‘ although I just posted my o’level results what do I do?
I sent a wrong password to 55019 instead of [email protected] I wrote [email protected].I need your help please
I try login into my jamb CAP’S is showing me invalid credentials what will i do now please
After logging into my jamb caps profile, I can’t edit the registration number even after changing my exam year, it’s indicating an exam number I sat for 5 years ago and I can’t change it…..please its a matter of urgency, what can I do?
Have you tried using a computer to access JAMB CAPS?
Im having this same issue. Its showing me last years reg no and even after changing the year it doesnt allow me edit the reg no
I can’t login my jamb caps If I keep trying it keeps showing me wrong email and password
Please I couldn’t log in to my jamb caps it keeps saying “invalid email” and the email is the same one I registered with and also verified it but I still can’t log in with the email address
Please I need help
When trying to create account on the jam portal after filling the form
And I want to submit they are showing me
Please specify valid gsm number what do I do please help me
My is sorry an error has occurred or the name may have changed so for that matter am unable to finish with my cap creation
Why can’t I check my exam center and date online for 2022
I used my last year’s profile code for registration of this year’s Jamb and I tried viewing my Admission Status but it keeps telling me to input my registration number for this year’s Jamb which I tried to but it isn’t allowing me to. I am tired already
I have similar problems
I can’t access my caps
Have you been able to resolve your own problems
Please I changed the year but I can’t put my registration number why is that
Good morning sir
Please I tried verifying my email with the code they sent to me but it’s saying the page is not available or they have changed the name
Please what should I do?
Thank you
Are you able to login with that email?
I can’t longing with my email
The email I used was spelt wrongly and I can get the code to access my jamb cap how can I rectify it
Why can’t I access my caps
I filled in everything correctly my email and password, my registration number and the year of the exams
When I click check admission status it hangs and nothing comes up at the end
Can I please know the reason why
Try clearing your browser cache or using a different browser to see if that resolves the issue.
I can’t access my jamb portal. I’ve tried logging in several times, but they keep showing me invalid email or incorrect password.
Change the password.
I tried logging in on my portal but it is writing invalid registration number even though it is correct
I have tried several times to access my jamb caps but to no avail
Please sir
There the email I registered with jamb is different from the one I used to create an account on jamb caps
How can I change it?
Because now, anytime I want to check jamb caps for admission, i would be told that I can’t use that service
Pls were you later able to access the caps
I tried checking my admission status, but every time I enter, it’ll say ” Please supply registration number”. The worst part is that the space to type in my registration no. is gone and the space to put the year of exam is empty, even with my login credentials. Please, I need help