JAMB CAPS 2025: Check Your Admission Status

By Academicful

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This is to inform you that theĀ JAMB CAPS 2025 login portal has been opened for students who participated in the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board examination. We are going to educate you on what to do about it.

There was a day I came up with a question in a WhatsApp group. I asked a candidate if he had checked his admission status on caps.

To my greatest surprise, he returned the question to me, saying he didnā€™t know what it meant. You are at the right place if you know nothing about it.

What is JAMB CAPS All About?

The abbreviation stands for JAMB Central Admission Processing System; the usage of this portal is to regulate and narrow the admission fraud rate.

We have some fraudsters who pretend to work at the jamb office and use that to fool candidates.

Donā€™t be deceived by anyone who tells you he will help you get your admission approval. If youā€™re a victim of this, kindly avoid such people because all they need is your money.

JAMB Admission Status Portal

Here, you are given the privilege to decide whether to proceed with your registration or terminate it for one reason or another.

You may be offered admission to a course you didnā€™t pick during registration or a course you are not willing to study, probably because of your Post Utme score or Oā€™level subject combination. As a result, you might be willing to decline the offer.

If youā€™ve been successfully offered admission, it is highly advisable to accept the admission. Follow the steps below.

How to Accept or Reject Admission Offer

  • Visit the JAMB portal to log in; kindly click here to begin the process.
Jamb login 2021 page

Before opening the link, use Chrome or any browser that supports desktop mode, such as Brave.

  • In the above form, you must fill in the details (Email and Password) used during registration.
  • After successfully logging in, you will see a drop-down menu. Click it to proceed by clicking on ā€œCheck admission statusā€.
  • You will be redirected to another page, as seen below.
Access your profile
  • Fill in your JAMB registration number and select the year of the exam, e.g., 2019, 2018, 2017, etc. Then click on the Access My CAPS button.

As you can see, we have arrived on our caps portal. I hope you can see the Welcome message on your device.

Jamb admission homepage

If you ainā€™t seeing this, kindly check your network connectivity.

To view the site properly, kindly change your browser to desktop mode by ticking the checkbox pointed to below. Hence, this will enable us to view the portal navigation bar.

Change to desktop view

It’s time to know whether youā€™ve been admitted because we are primarily concerned with that. I am sure by now you should be able to perform other activities anyway. Let’s ride on.

If you canā€™t, continue reading.

Try looking at the navbar and locate ā€œadmission statusā€ on your dashboard, then click on it. If you see admitted, you can ride on by clicking the ā€˜ Reject or Acceptā€™ button. I hope itā€™s simple.

Things You Can Do on the JAMB CAPS Portal

We still have some other things you can check out there.

1. View Your Bio-Data On CAPS

You can also view your JAMB profile, i.e., all your details, including ( your JAMB registration number, name, gender, date of birth, state of origin, and UTME score).

After logging into the JAMB e-facility portal, checking and verifying your bio-data is also compulsory. Why? If there is an error in the details uploaded, you can quickly make corrections to it before it is too late.

All you have to do is click on ā€˜my profile.

Note: corrections such as change of name, gender, e.t.c cannot be done on the caps portal you can only view them there.

2. Check your uploaded Oā€™level result on JAMB

On the navigation menu of the JAMB portal, there is a menu with Oā€™level clicking on it that will allow you to check the result youā€™ve uploaded during your registration.

ā€œit is important to upload your Oā€™level result before admission list is being released.ā€

3. Checking CAPS Market Place

Unlike before, your result will only be sent to your chosen institution. Now, JAMB has enabled students to get admitted into schools they didnā€™t pick during enrollment. You might be considered at the market area, and donā€™t forget to edit changes afterwards.

Market place page

Here are some questions students keep asking concerning the above topic. If you have any questions, feel free to ask by dropping them In the comment box.

How To Check JAMB Admission Status

Follow these simple steps to check your admission status on JAMB CAPS in 2025.

  • Access the efacility portal at caps.jamb.gov.ng and log in with your details.
  • If it tells you the incorrect or wrong password, kindly reset your password via email.
  • After logging in, click on CHECK ADMISSION STATUS.
  • Then, access the JAMB CAPS portal by entering your registration number (make sure you select the correct year on your dashboard).

Meaning of Admission in Progress

The answer to this is quite simple: the system is currently processing your admission, and when it has been fully processed and verified, you will see the offer on your dashboard.

There’s no need to panic, as this is a sign of hope that you are getting admitted very soon.

What Does not admitted mean in JAMB CAPS?

It means that JAMB has not received any admission offered to you; an institution may have offered you one, but it will take some time before it reflects on your admission status.

Is JAMB CAPS still giving Admission?

Let it be known that JAMB does not offer or give admission. It is the institution that you applied for that can give you admission.

JAMB will start working on it some weeks or months after an educational institution in Nigeria has given you admission. There is no exact deadline, but you should regularly check your CAPS page.

Meaning of Transfer Approval

This section is meant for those whose course was changed. They were offered admission to study a course different from the one they chose in JAMB. This happened to me in 2019; my dashboard screenshot is below.

Course transfer approval

You must approve or reject the transfer, which is very easy. If you approve it, you must change course (visit any Cafe for this) before you can print out your 2025 JAMB admission letter.

Suppose your school has offered you provisional admission. In that case, I advise you to claim it to make you qualify for the printing of your JAMB admission letter and proceed with any other registration.

Sharing this article with your friends will take less than a minute. May God bless you as you do so.

If you have questions about it, don’t hesitate to ask below.

36 thoughts on “JAMB CAPS 2025: Check Your Admission Status”

  1. Want to link my dlijamb number with my dliunilag form but was told not yet out or is it now out mean the dlijamb

  2. I have been trying to create my jamb caps account but it is telling me site is temporarily unavailable or has it name changed

    • I have the same problem too!! It keeps saying ‘we are sorry, the page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed or had a processing error or it’s temporarily unavailable’……I’m so frustrated and stressed because of it…

  3. I can’t access my jamb efacility account for 2021/2022 because email wasn’t involved during registration
    What can I do now?

  4. I was transferred since April 2021 from civil engineer to geoloy.i have accepted the offer but till now my caps is still showing not admitted,will they really
    give me admission

  5. I can’t access my jamb efacility account for 2021/2022 because email wasn’t requested during registration
    What can I do please help me out????

  6. I did data correction of state and local government of origin it reflected on the new slip given to me, on my result, notification slip and even my profile but d moment l accessed my caps I learnt is hasn’t reflect on my bio data till date
    What should I do please šŸ™

  7. I have been offered provisional admission in Uniosun but jamb is saying not yet admitted,pls I don’t know what to do can I go ahead with payment of acceptance fee without accepting it on jamb caps

  8. Accessing of my jamb caps is telling me that I’m not eligible for the service.please what should I do?I don’t even understand what that means

  9. Pls why is it dat jamb haven’t given admission 2 some pple
    Am actually worried nd many have followed d process bt still nt given admission
    Why now…?

  10. I sat for Jamb 2021 and created the Jamb cab which I was monitoring my Jamb info.
    I have done Jamb 2022 with the same details. I keep getting updates but when I switch to 2022 and ask to check my O’Level, it demands for registration number which the section not active for me to input my the number, thereby denied me of access to O’Level. I needed to be sure if is correct. It shows only in 2021 but not 2022.

  11. I already accepted my transfer approval and the it has changed under admission linkā€¦Been two months now have I been given admission by the school tho my jamb caps still display not admitted


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