JAMB Syllabus 2025/2025 PDF Free Download [All Subjects]

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Have you ever wondered about getting the JAMB syllabus for the 2025 examination?

Well, in this article, you will get the PDF for free. Physics, chemistry, biology, government, English, and other subjects are available on this page.

Most of the top scorers in JAMB CBT are known to implement the use of the JAMB syllabus in their reading strategy.

What’s The JAMB syllabus?

The syllabus is a book that contains all the topics in a subject. It was released by the board so that candidates could know which topics to read when preparing for the exam.

The syllabus also contains the recommended textbooks by JAMB for UTME & DE candidates.

Is the UTME syllabus helpful?

That’s even an understatement. The syllabus is more than helpful. If you read my article on JAMB secrets, you will see where I mentioned how important it is.

After downloading them from this site, use them while studying.


Is the JAMB syllabus for 2025/2025 out?

Yes, the syllabus for 2025/25 UTME & DE candidates is out.

I got all of them from the official source (JAMB ibass portal). It’s even the same as the one used in 2024.

Is the UTME syllabus the same every year?

It’s not always the same, but JAMB does not regularly change it. They only add some topics if there’s a need for that.

However, you don’t need to bother as the ones on this site are the latest syllabus.

How to Download JAMB Syllabus 2025 PDF

Click the subject link below to download the PDF of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination syllabus.

For All Students:

For Those In the Science Department:

For Commercial Students:

Lastly, For The Art Students:

How to study using the syllabus

Things you need for this strategy:

  1. A notebook and pen.
  2. Good textbook(s) for each subject.
  3. JAMB past questions.
  4. The JAMB syllabus.

Here’s how to use the UTME syllabus in your study plan.

  1. Write out the topics in the syllabus inside your notebook; do this for the four subjects you are sitting for.
  2. Check your textbooks to make sure they cover the topics.
  3. Study each topic and solve past questions on them.
  4. Mark the topics you are done with and monitor your progress
  5. Do these until you have covered the syllabus for your JAMB combo.

Good luck!

Does JAMB follow its syllabus?

Yes, they follow everything in their syllabus.

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53 thoughts on “JAMB Syllabus 2025/2025 PDF Free Download [All Subjects]”

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  2. Thanks so much sir, and I want to be sure please what are the compulsory subjects for a student who want to study Law in any of the University, thanks

  3. Thanks so much sir,I really what to know the compulsory subjects for a student who wants to study law in any of university too. THANKS

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