How To Pass WAEC 2024 Without Stress in One Sitting

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What if I showed you how to pass the WAEC 2024 exam in one sitting without malpractice? 

Waec has been one of the exams many students are frightened of. Seeing students rewriting any exam without good grades pains me a lot.

To be candid, getting money for registration these days isn’t easy. As we all know, the 2024 waec registration is about to start; there are some specific tips to pass WAEC I want you to keep in mind before the commencement of the exam.

How To Pass WAEC 2024 Without Stress

Let’s proceed with the easy step, which you can use to come out with flying colours after the assessment.

1. Consider your purpose in sitting for the exam

Before you start any registration concerning the exam, think of why you are writing the exam. Some are not willing to write the exam but were forced by their parent or relatives; if you are in this category, I will only advise you not to register instead of wasting your parent’s money.

You were sent to school to become great and cater for yourself, and as my parent say, “If you study, you study for your life, not anyone.”  After knowing your reason, which I know is to succeed academically, put it in your left hand and set your mind and attention on it.

2. Prepare Ahead For The WAEC Exam

Your reading doesn’t have to be the last hour of the exam; your arrangement for the exam should start now. Don’t forget, “Better preparation always precipitates poor performance”; the earlier, the higher your chances of passing WAEC 2024.

3. Find Your Weaknesses

Try to find out your weaknesses. If there is any subject or topic you seem not to be good at, it is advisable to contact your tutors or seek help from people who already know it and let them put you through.   

4. Revision is Important

As earlier said, the board will never ask questions you can’t find in your textbooks. Don’t forget the saying that “practice makes perfection”; we are human beings, not ghosts. There is a tendency for us to forget what we’ve read, but performing revision often will help in regain what we don’t remember.

5. Concentrate on The Exam

When you don’t focus, you will be distracted by many things, which might affect your results. I am going to categorize it into two aspects: before and during the examination. Let’s consider them.

I)  Before the examination: If peradventure you were given a holiday or break in school, what you are expected is to proceed in studying during those leisure time of yours, not playing around, partying, visiting friends unnecessarily, or excessively sleeping.

Always remember that “heaven helps those who help themselves.” For now, don’t make sleeping your profession; you still have a lot of things to cover. There is time for everything; a time is coming when you are going to have enough time to sleep and do other things which have been mentioned above.

ii) During the examination: Imagine you read for four hours, denying yourself play and doing things that can give you fun. Then, after you were given the question paper, your friend who didn’t take the exam seriously started calling you for the number 1b answer. What will happen if you reply to him? 

There is a high possibility for you to forget what you’ve earlier read, and before you recollect, the time might be against you.

Let’s assume the external supervisor caught you, then you finally spoil the result for that subject yourself, and you wasted your effort; your friend might not be caught, but he/she is the cause.

Don’t be disturbed by anyone. Focus on your exam and put down what you’ve studied.

6. Be time conscious

Always have it at the back of your mind that every question has its starting and ending point. Therefore, know the exact time to stop and ensure you attempt the ones you know before the time is up.

Trying to give answers to questions you are not sure of will only waste your time; go for the other ones you know first, then later come back to the ones you doubt if there is still time.

7. Read instructions carefully before answering

On the front page of every question paper, there is always an instruction for candidates; you are advised to read it very well before starting.

One of the reasons why many fail is due to their ignorance in reading the instructions guiding it. Let’s take, for instance, you were asked to shade with a pencil, but because you want to be the fastest guy to submit your paper, you go ahead with a biro.

My dear candidate, this will seriously affect your grade in that particular exam and determine whether you will pass WAEC.

8. Don’t start until you are told to do so

After you have been given the paper, don’t do anything until the supervisor or invigilator instructs you.

Don’t be too forward. Your centre can experience insufficient question paper or an error with the question you are being given to answer, so kindly keep calm and wait for your supervisor to start.

9. Give answers to your country’s questions only

Attempting other country questions won’t give you an additional mark. Open your eyes clearly and answer the ones assigned to your country.

We have some set of students who do “I too KNOW.” If you are one of them, I beg you to kindly stop that act before it implicates you.

10. Don’t attempt the above requested

If you were asked to answer ten (10) questions out of fourteen (14) and go beyond that just because you know all, you will be penalized for it, which might reduce marks. Always adhere to the instructions given.

11. Write vividly and Make It Legible

Most students wrote down the correct answer, but due to unclear handwriting, they fail, so don’t just write in such a way it will be difficult for the examiner to mark it.

Your secondary school teacher won’t be the one to mark your script, and you can’t expect someone with many scripts to spend one hour marking yours only. So, make sure your writings are clear and prominent.

11. Always convince the marker with your answer

Let us take, for instance, you were asked to define isotopes in chemistry. Generally, we know “it is the process where atoms of an element have the same number of the proton but a different number of neutrons around their nuclei”, leaving your answer this way is correct. However, you can still proceed by giving examples, e.g chlorine 35 and chlorine 37.

Even if you made a slight mistake,” in your definition, the example you included has proved you know what you are saying in one way or another.

12. Be valiant

Don’t put any fear in mind. Before some are given a question, they already fainted. Why? Is the question coming with a gun or a bomb? , if NO, don’t be afraid because if you do so, there is a high possibility of forgetting what you’ve read, and you might not recollect after some hours.

Is WAEC challenging to pass?

To me, I will say NO, and the reason is that the board will never set any questions beyond what you’ve been taught in school, and to ensure student do well on their exam, they release syllabi for each subject.

Still, many ignore this and keep reading the whole content of the textbook, including some unnecessary books.

Extra Tips To Pass WAEC in One Sitting

Take note of the below tips while doing the exam as it will give you a better chance of having good grades in your result. Just as you should already know that you can’t pass WAEC without reading, it requires you to work hard and smartly.

1) Neatness – Don’t mix neatness with good handwriting; your handwriting might be clear and rough. You are not expected to start designing with your pen in your exam.

A friend of mine didn’t know what to write again during the exam period (school exam not waec), so he decided to start shading all that he wrote. By the time our script was returned to us, we couldn’t understand what he wrote all we saw was just slant handwriting as if a tree was about to fall on a roof.

If you are such a person, it’s not too late. I advise you to get a handwriting book and start improving it before the exam.       

***) Never report complaints to your friends during the exam: In case of any error, telling your friend is not the best; it will only implicate you. The best option is to go straight to the supervisor or invigilator and explain all to him/her.

***) Be punctual: In the timetable given there. In the time assigned for each paper. If your exam is to start by 9:00 a.m., your aim shouldn’t be to get to the hall by 9:30 a.m.

If you take sleeping as your hobby, kindly skip that at this moment and wake early, then take a good look at it and make sure you get to your exam centre/hall before the commencement of the exam.

***) AVOID SHORTENING OF WORDS: Whenever you answer a question, don’t abbreviate unnecessarily. Always write your words/sentences in full.

Most candidates are conversant with social media; some are even addicted to it, and they try using the abbreviations they use during chatting/conversation with their friends to write down answers, for instance, writing How are you? As Hw are u, this type of writing is not accepted, so make sure you abbreviate where necessary e.g. E.F.C.C.

Writing Materials: always go along with good writing tools, be it biro, pencil, etc., and make sure you take along your eraser to correct any mistake made during the exam.

Before or during the exam, you will be given a Mathematical set with the ‘KAPEK’ symbol, which consists of a calculator and other tools for writing.

Note this is the only acceptable type during the exam any other type aside that will not be considered else you might be accused of malpractice. Although everything you need, such as a pen, is present in it, don’t hesitate to go along with an extra pen in case one a malfunction.  

Keep your Identification card intact: Always endeavour to keep your card clean and safe. You will find your exam number, pin, date of birth, and serial number on your I.D. or photo card.

Kindly do yourself good by keeping it away from others because the numbers written on it are meant for checking results, so someone else might try to use this whenever you are careless with it.

Never forget to go along with your I.D. card as it is your clearance for the examination, and it will also be scanned before or after entering the hall.

Write your name and exam number well: The first thing you should do after you are told to start is to fill in the blank field on the paper properly, which consists of your full name, centre number, and seat number.

Even if you are a scholar and forget to write this in your exam, nothing causes it unless you impersonate someone. You can’t remember his/her details.

Approximate when needed: when dealing with any calculations that include decimals, don’t approximate if you are not to do so; you might get the answers wrong.

Don’t get involved in malpractice: don’t take in any violated materials such as a wristwatch, mobile phones, microchips, etc. If you do and are caught, then get prepared to fill in the form.


Whenever you are asked to define, don’t cultivate the habit of answering back with the same word. Let’s assume you were asked to define chemical, and you said (chemicals are what we use in preparing another chemical).

Whenever you are given a question, don’t cultivate the habit of answering back with the same question. For example, you are asked to define what chemicals are, and you put them down.

Applying the tips in this article, you can pass WAEC without stress, except your village people are following you.

15 thoughts on “How To Pass WAEC 2024 Without Stress in One Sitting”

  1. please I need the new timetable for waec,and if I read only past questions is there a chance that I will get A1,what should I read, past questions or textbooks or notebooks
    ,please help me😕

  2. Please I beg you please help me pass my Wassc. Please which aspect should I concentrate on pass questions or the text book?


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