JAMB Change of Institution/Course 2025: Complete Guide

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Are you contemplating changing your course and institution on the JAMB portal? This article will examine the processes involved in changing your course and institution.

Moreover, note that this platform was introduced to allow JAMB candidates who already know their UTME scores and have confirmed the cut-off marks of their preferred institutions to make appropriate adjustments to their course and institution choices based on their UTME results.

If you got less than 180 in the JAMB 2025 Examination and applied to a competitive institution, you can now apply to a less competitive institution to improve your chances of admission.

Alternatively, suppose you choose a popular/competitive degree course such as Medicine and Surgery, Engineering, etc., and have a score of 199 or lower. In that case, you should consider applying for a change of course.

Before Applying for a JAMB Change of Course or Institution

Please read the following before changing your course or institution on the Jamb portal… This is a critical point. As a result, don’t overlook this information. You will not be able to undo any mistakes you have made in the future.

  • All interested candidates should know the course and/or institution adjustments they wish to make.
  • You should research to ensure that the institution you are transferring to does not have a high cut-off grade.
  • You can switch one or all of your courses/institutions at once.
  • It’s important to know that once you’ve submitted the form, you won’t be able to edit anything (unless Jamb has updated this)
  • Candidates should select a course or institution corresponding to their chosen subject combination. Your school will screen you out if you don’t accomplish this. For further information, see the JAMB Syllabus.
  • Most schools, such as the University of Uyo, already have many applicants. So make sure you have at least two to four options. If your first choice isn’t available, you can move on to the next.

How to Apply for JAMB Change of Institution/Course 2025

According to a credible source, applying for JAMB change of course and institution can only be completed at accredited Computer Based Test (CBT) Centers. To modify your data on the JAMB portal for 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 (until 2025), follow the steps below.

  1. To get started, go to your JAMB Portal and login.
  2. Select “Registration (only for 2025)” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select “2025 UTME Data Correction” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select “Make Payment” from the drop-down menu. We are concerned with the “Choice of Institution/Course Correction” option.
  5. Select “Pay Now” from the drop-down menu. Please keep the Transaction ID in mind.
  6. Go over the information on the Confirmation Page again. Also, take note of the bold red typeface used to represent the Transaction ID. The Transaction ID will be useful for future referrals to the Transaction. Your registered email address will receive a copy of this transaction ID.
  7. After clicking the Continue button, you’ll be asked to choose a payment method. If you choose to pay with your Mastercard, follow the steps below; if you choose to pay with your Visa, follow the steps below; if you choose to pay with your PAGA/POCKETMONI, follow the procedures below;
  8. On the Interswitch Payment page, fill in your credit card information and click the Pay button.
  9. In the “My Payment Section,” you’ll see your payment status. After payment, you will receive an SMS and an email with your unique Transaction Identification and payment status. Continue by pressing the Enter key.
  10. After you’ve paid, you must provide your exam year and JAMB registration number.
  11. Once you’ve entered all your information correctly, you’ll see additional options for your preferred course/institution and second choices. The available options will be determined by availability.
  12. To finish your application, click Submit.
  13. JAMB will now process your application. Your information will be modified as requested if approved.

How much is Change of Institution/Course form?

How much does it cost to change your course or institution with JAMB? A JAMB change of course form costs two thousand five hundred naira (N2,500.00).

As a result, the cost of the course alteration and data rectification is N2,500. You can update your institution, course, name, date of birth, state, and local government of origin for a one-time cost of N2,500.

Final Thoughts

Please take note of the following:

  • Candidates should not apply for a change of institution or course to institutions where they have already completed their Post-UTME.
  • You can switch one or all of your courses/institutions at once.
  • Once you’ve submitted the change of course and/or institution form, you won’t be able to make any more modifications, except the change of course and institution, which you can do twice.
  • Because there may be a limited number of schools or courses to choose from, make sure you have at least four options if the one you want is unavailable.

When selecting the right institution, you can make an informed selection. You can use the cut-off marks used by institutions for the last admission as a guide if you want to change your subject or institution. You’ll still be making educated selections this way.

It’s worth noting that Universities can adjust their cut-off marks for the next admissions round. You can go to the school or course you changed to after the application for change of courses and institution closes, and the Post-UTME screening begins each year.

We wish you the best of luck!!

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